generate different yuv in different formats


ffmpeg can be used to generate many kinds of format. just enum it and record it.

FFMPEG convet basic usage

Show all support formats by ffmpeg

ffmpeg -pix_fmts

use “-pix_fmt “ to define the output formats in ffmpeg

name format bit depth Note
yuv420p YUV420 8 NV12
yuv420p16le YUV420 10 P0101?
yuv444p YUV444 8
yuv444p10le YUV444 10

FFMPEG convert mp4 to yuv with resolution and format

ffmpeg -y -i ${file_name}_${in_res}.mp4 -pix_fmt yuv420p -s $out_res ${file_name}_${out_res}.yuv

Convert yuv to H264/mp4

ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -s:v 720x480 -r 25 -i Mix_BostonHarbor_MainStreet_GrandBendPatio_720x480.yuv -c:v libx264 output.mp4

How to generate RGB444 FP16 file

Here is the guideline from Osman

Install ffmpeg and imagemagick.

sudo apt install imagemagick ffmpeg

First convert the image to RGB format from YUV420.

ffmpeg -pix_fmt yuv420p -s 1920x1080 -i BostonHarbor_1920x1080.yuv -frames:v 10 -pix_fmt rgb48le BostonHarbor_1920x1080-rgb48le.rgb

Convert more formats

Then use the following imagemagick command to convert from RGB to RGBA FP16 format.

convert -size 1920x1080 -depth 16 -colorspace rgb rgb:BostonHarbor_1920x1080-rgb48le.rgb -size 1920x1080 -depth 16 -define quantum:format=floating-point -colorspace rgb rgba:BostonHarbor_1920x1080-rgbafp16.rgb

Display the RGBA FP16 image

display -size 1920x1080 -depth 16 -define quantum:format=floating-point -endian lsb rgba:BostonHarbor_1920x1080-rgbafp16.rgb

My work flow to generate custom yuv formats

  1. Get some reference yuv files with ffmpeg or from web
  2. Manual split and combine your custom YUV files with split\cat>> commond.
  3. Encode your custom yuv to h264 with FFMPEG
  4. Add number watermarker to your custom yuv file
  5. Decode your custom bitstreams to different resolutions and formats.

YUV view tools
